
Breaking the News!

“Can I break the news?”
So, said often to our squad and class, one of my instructors at the Academy many years ago.

Now it is my turn to break the news. To all those who care about selflessly giving service to humanity-- holistically and All-inclusively-- on far broader concepts, instead of only tiny morsels, I hereby too, break the news;
“The Eagle Has Landed!”
The Cosmic Eagle (inner Person) landed—to stay, (ahead of my prelude posts) complete with His Persons of the cosmic trinity. He landed outside the Gabalado Monastic retreat, on the late morning of the 22nd June 2014 ADE.
The overlap in ages in between the out-going, Emotional Piscean era and the in-coming scientific Aquarian era, is now melting away to allow (let in) clarity of World Consciousness.
Humanity needs to know possibly in advance, not only a little of the spiritual, but also the kind of governance and ultimate physical fate of planet Earth and our humanity.
That is but a tip of the overall flow of cosmic developments of the etheric facet of our Earth and whole Physical world World; for YOU!
Love You All—Mooya Chilube