
A Child is Born

( Prelude to “The Eagle Has Landed” xii.)

During the Lunar cycle of the Piscean era, right in the ravages on Earth, of the Second World War, Rom Rag went up to Venus to launch the Adept—his past Disciple (and to be again) in this pending incarnation.

The Adept was to enjoy his amazing voyage back to Earth, although full of puzzling manifestations. Finally however, he found himself headed for landing in a land that was to be the Continent of Africa in Southern Africa.
One experience was to hold his interest and cause some excitement. It was about seeing his father-to-be, and mother-to-be—even as he came to a tricky pause just above her head, as the couple sat at midday facing and being talked to by an elderly man whom the ex-Venetian was to know later, as his grandfather on his mother’s side.

Love You All—Mooya Chilube
Copyright: Sons of the Sun—LOGOS HQ.