
17 .Cosmic Renaissance

Ever-since the Crowning ceremony of the in-coming World Saviour of the 21st Century, by the Lord Maitreya on the early morning of the 28 of September 1981 in the Valley of Shangta, a new Occult (spiritual) political and scientific tide had been sweeping the face of Earth.

One Global Village concept became a reality. The New World Order was moving in and the World Government concept above and beyond the UN outer frame work, was coming into place.
These were not to be the idle dreams of some mortal men and women of Earth, but the concepts of the One greater, Universal Government of God and His great Messengers.
Things continued to happen both in Heaven above, and on Earth below almost every day and night. Soon the World Renaissance of the World Spiritual Hierarchy, was turning cosmic!
The very nature and core being of the overall cosmic creation, evolution and existence of God were being born again—and the Cosmic Eagle Lord LOGOS was Wit-nessing it all, personally and live!
Love You All—Mooya Chilube
Copyright: Sons of the Sun—LOGOS HQ.