
18. Cosmic Resurrection

Had man ever heard of ‘Black Light’ before? Perhaps, yes, in regard to the Black-holes.
The African Saviour, a restless Spiritual Traveler of worlds and universes daily from birth, was to see the cosmic region of Black Light, that existed upon the forward edge of cosmic creation in the topmost world (Heaven) then, of the greater, Spiritual Macrocosm of the Ocean of love and mercy.

It had followed a few months’ process of preparations in the topmost heaven with the Supreme Lord Nameless One.
Then this early morning of 20th of February 2001 ADE. The Cosmic Eagle Lord LOGOS—of Earth, was to find himself transformed into a strange Giant.
The form—body and Personality were not his natural and usual ones. The outer, general feelings were of the Earth man.
The great ones (Super Arch angels) Lords Maitreya (Christ) Aton and Helios waited impatiently some distance away, in Arrow-head formation.
The man of Earth (yet Cosmic Eagle) could not lift a foot forward.
He was afraid of falling.
That had been on the occasion in the top of Existence, of the Resurrection, of the Most original Primitive, Cosmic Spirit.
This was the birth of cosmic Renaissance, prior to the beginning of the Story of stories!